All the Right Ingredients
All the Right Ingredients
Who wouldn’t enjoy their job in a place like
this, surrounded by freshly baked pizzas at every turn?
And while it’s true that a huge number
of the pizzas sold in the United States are covered with mozzarella
perfected in the labs at Denver-based Leprino Foods Co., the company
— which spends about $10 million annually on research and technical
development — means much more to the dairy industry. Leprino
continues to explore the functional potential of cheese as well as the
rapidly growing arena for whey products.
It’s obvious that Leprino — with
the world’s largest mozzarella factory and annual sales in excess of
$2 billion — is doing something right. And the credit for getting it
right, according to the company’s senior management, goes to the
collective workforce of Leprino Foods.
“We want people in this organization
who are excited to come to work — excited about the opportunity,
excited about the job they do, excited about the contribution they can
make, energized and passionate about doing the right things right the first
time,” says president Larry Jensen. “By and large, that’s
the kind of people we have, that’s the kind of people who are
successful here, and that’s the kind of energy that propels our
Those are the kind of people Jensen and his
management team say should be most honored by Leprino’s selection as Dairy Field’s
2004 Processor of the Year.
Leprino Quality
The company believes in a results-oriented
culture fostered by principled leadership, strong management disciplines,
superior technology and passionate commitment to the concept of Leprino
Quality. It’s a multifaceted corporate ethos that preaches continuous
improvement and doing things right in the areas of product quality,
customer service, innovation, people, ethics and citizenship.
“I’ve worked for Leprino for 30
years, and if you don’t have the quality, the R&D doesn’t
matter,” says Richard Barz, senior vice president of quality
assurance, research and development. “We start and end every day with
where we stand on satisfying quality.”
And there’s little doubt Leprino’s food
scientists are laboring tirelessly, in test kitchens at the plant level as
well as the main corporate R&D facility, to deliver customers exactly
what they need.
“The end result of our success is, for
the customer’s finished product — whether it’s pizza or a
nutrition bar — how our product performs and what value does it bring
to that finished product,” Barz says. “It’s really
necessary for us to have a close relationship with customers to allow us to
work with their final food product. We’re evaluating a specific need
they may have and doing it under their cooking conditions. You have to have
a close relationship with a customer to do that.”
Part of that relationship is truly listening
to customers, which include many national foodservice venues including the
top pizzeria chains, along with other major food companies. “We
understand what our customers are telling us about the unique challenges
they have. We try to be very proactive when it comes to understanding
product application in our customer’s environment,” Jensen
says. “It’s a very important part of our success —
filling our customers’ needs and going beyond their
That relentless pursuit of perfection gives Leprino a
great edge in a highly competitive marketplace against peers like Land
O’Lakes, Foremost, Saputo and Alto. “Certainly at the
point-of-sale level, we think our products are of the highest
quality,” says Bob Boynton, senior vice president of marketing and
sales. “Our products are engineered to address unique functionalities
of the end user.”
To that end, the R&D folks seek to
enhance an end user’s understanding of how all the ingredients work
together to create the finished product that possesses the attributes they
seek, Barz says. “We work very hard to broaden the perspective that a
product development effort is more than sending out a sample to be
evaluated,” he says. “You can’t look at the individual
components by themselves. Once we get over that hurdle, then it becomes a
technical challenge. But a good R&D guy will say there’s nothing
you can’t solve.”
Furthermore, the great strides Leprino has
made in technology and plant efficiency have led to advantageous economies
of scale that allow competitive pricing, Boynton says. “In the
longer-term sense, we are going to be bringing forth the new, better, more
innovative cheese products over the years to a much greater extent than our
competitors,” he says. “Part of that is because of our singular
focus on Italian cheese and whey and looking for all the niches where those
products can perform. Our emphasis on research and development, continuous
improvement in our factories and offering customers new generations of
products that are more functional than their predecessors — often at
lower cost than their predecessors — is why customers ought to buy
from us and stay with us in the long term.”
In sum, it’s a simple yet time-tested
strategy for expanding market share: work closely with customers to quickly
develop and deliver products that meet unique requirements at the best
Innovations Unlimited
Visit the research lab and test kitchens at
Leprino almost any day of the week and you’ll be surrounded by an
array of pizzas and other cheese-laden food, prepared for the express
purpose of making sure Leprino’s ingredients are everything its
customers need them to be. Stick around long enough and you might be asked
your opinion about how the blistering looks on the cheese of this pizza, or
how well it stretches on that one, or which sample tastes most like a
grilled-cheese sandwich.
“I would say 60 to 75 percent of what we do is a
customer coming to us saying, ‘We’re looking at promoting this
type of pizza product or protein bar, and already have defined the need. We
just need you to come back and supply the ingredient,’” Barz
says. “About 25 percent of the work we do is new ideas.”
There’s rarely a break in the flow of
new ideas here. “To be successful, we need to continue to show
customers what we’re capable of, even if they don’t necessarily
have an application for that capability at the moment,” Boynton says.
“You don’t limit it to the kind of products they’re
already buying from you. It doesn’t always happen that day, but maybe
a month later or a year later they’ll call you up and say, ‘We
saw a product at your place that did this …’ You have to seed that
capability in the minds of the people who ultimately will develop those
products. And you have to redo it. If we’re doing our job right,
we’ve got more capabilities this year than we had last
That philosophy, long applied to
Leprino’s cheese business, is starting to emerge on the whey side as
well, moving beyond a commodity mindset. The company has significantly
ramped up its new product development staff in the whey area.
“There’s been a lot of new
capacity developed on the whey side of the business over the last several
years,” Boynton says. “In the last 18 months, we have embarked
on a new aggressive strategy, particularly in the whey protein area, by
applying our considerable research and development skills to bringing
functionality to whey protein in much the same way we’ve brought
functionality to cheese.”
Already a key supplier of whey proteins for
processed cheese, yogurt, infant formula and other food products, Leprino
aims to tap the growth of sports drinks, nutrition bars and other such
applications for whey protein. With particular emphasis on high-protein
products, Leprino has designed special products for the burgeoning
ready-to-drink performance beverage market, along with heat-stable
applications for power bars, egg-replacing emulsifiers, and binding agents
and fat barriers for food coatings.
“We’re looking at applications,
whether it’s replacing starches or soy products,” Barz says.
“There are a lot of people hanging their hopes on the potential
health claims of the whey business, and if those come true, they will carry
weight throughout the dairy industry. But we’re not waiting.
We’ve spent a lot of time bringing in potential customers who may
have never heard of whey protein in their life and talking to them about
using it in their foods as an alternative ingredient.”
And with an increased emphasis on protein in
the American diet, the whey market stands as a new frontier. “We
really feel that’s where the future is for us, to approach whey
proteins in much the same way we have the cheese side, identify certain
functional needs that users have, then bring a line of whey protein
products that meet those needs,” Boynton says.
“I think we’re doing a better job
of demonstrating our capabilities across the whole range of products we
offer,” he continues. “It’s no longer enough just to send
out a salesperson. You need a team approach. You need the R&D person,
someone from the product management group, the corporate traffic group.
These customers are looking for a partner who can optimize their whole
business package. Our customers in general are so big and so fast, and move
on such a broad playing field, that it takes an equally comprehensive
approach to serving them.”
Mastering Manufacturing
Leprino continues to upgrade its production
technology, investing $600 million over the past four years on plant
expansions and technology improvements. The company’s nine U.S.
plants contain some of the most technologically advanced manufacturing
equipment in the industry, much of it Leprino’s own invention. The
company’s plant in Roswell, N.M., built in 1993, was the
world’s largest mozzarella plant for a decade, until Leprino’s
new Lemoore West facility south of Fresno, Calif., came on line last year.
From brining to dicing, Leprino holds some 50
patents on equipment and processes for making cheese better, faster and in
greater quantity, while retaining the quality and functional
characteristics customers expect.
“The pizza industry has gotten competitive. They
all are looking at their own products and are trying to come up with unique
properties, whether it’s flavor, structure of the cheese and so
forth,” Barz says. “On a benchtop, we can certainly design
that, but we have to figure out a way to put that into a factory that
complements our existing processes. We have to be very cost-sensitive
— we need to come up with products that can be efficiently
To ensure success, new processes are perfected at the pilot
plant in Denver before they’re introduced system-wide.
It all seems to come back to the Leprino
culture of success, whether in processing, marketing or product
development. It’s about “not being bound up by traditional
boundaries,” Jensen says, “thinking outside the box, not
accepting ‘no’ as a roadblock. It certainly was a benefit to
not be bound by tradition, to have new and innovative ways to think about
the dairy business. That’s been a hallmark of the company almost from
the beginning.”
With the completion of Lemoore West, Leprino
has no immediate plans for additional domestic plants. But investment will
continue in existing facilities to expand production capability for the
company’s Ribbon and Wrapped Ribbon cheese products, plus
additional capacity to produced functionally enhanced block and
pre-shredded, non-frozen (gas-flushed) cheese. Furthermore, Leprino expects
to broaden its offerings of string cheese and expand technology to further
exploit functional applications for cheese and whey products.
Confronting Challenges
One of the biggest challenges Leprino says it
faces is a heightened expectation for food safety, particularly in the
aftermath of 9/11. “Attention to security, attention to food safety
— all of those things which have always been important have become
increasingly so,” Jensen says. “We work extremely hard to
ensure that we have the best plants in the world when in comes to
sanitation and food safety. I think it’s a real challenge for the
industry to rise to that level of expectation because I think any problem
with food safety in the industry reflects poorly on all of us. As an
industry, we have to be very vigilant.”
Of course, price volatility continues to be a
significant challenge. “We’ve seen extreme highs and extreme
lows in the cheese market in the last two years. At the extreme lows, we
know the dairymen can’t survive, and at the extreme highs we know you
can’t sell cheese,” Jensen says. “We have to be
supportive of government programs that perpetuate a healthy dairy industry.
We’ve been fortunate in the United States that we’ve allowed
our dairy industry to continue to grow and prosper, and a lot of
efficiencies have been brought to that industry. But when you see
government programs that artificially stimulate the market or artificially
retain production when it shouldn’t be retained, and don’t
allow natural efficiencies to grow, that’s not healthy for us as an
overall industry.”
Boynton explains further. “In late
spring and early summer, we saw drops in our sales associated with cheese
prices being over $2 that were really unprecedented and very dramatic. We
saw the effect very quickly and it persisted for an extended period of
time. For the most part, however, we were gratified that demand did seem to
recover to a substantial degree,” he says. “If price volatility
were to cause customers to reduce cheese usage or reformulate with
imitation cheese, that could result in permanent demand loss to the U.S.
dairy industry.”
The area of product nutrition also presents a
challenge. “The dairy industry in general faces a significant level
of competition from a well-heeled soy market,” says Mike Reidy,
senior vice president for procurement, logistics and business development,
noting how industry groups are striving to deliver the message of
dairy’s exceptional nutritional profile. “With the pending
release of new federal nutrition guidelines, Leprino is also working with
IDFA to promulgate the message that cheese products are extremely effective
in delivering the dairy nutritional content targeted in the new
Maximizing Opportunities
Leprino sees the nutrition challenge as a
significant opportunity, especially as the obesity debate gains momentum.
“For a long time, consumers have held the belief that healthy cheese
tastes bad,” Boynton says. “Leprino’s cheese product
technology, however, has allowed us to address those concerns. We stand
ready with great-tasting, nutritionally enhanced products whenever the
consumer market is ready.”
The company’s technological acumen also
presents vast opportunities for growth, including its Ribbon cheese line
and higher-protein whey products.
“Our line of products is richer and
fuller than it has ever been before,” Boynton says, noting the
addition of block products to Leprino’s stalwart individually
quick-frozen (IQF) shreds line. “We’re offering block products
that we think bring a lot more functionality than the traditional block
products made by other manufacturers. Another new product line that’s
very exciting for us is our Wrapped Ribbon product that utilizes a lot of
what we learned from our IQF products, to bring that consistency and
convenience to restaurants. We’ve been very gratified by the
acceptance of that product in the marketplace; sales have grown
dramatically, and we’ve got no reason to think they’re going to
slow down for the next several years.”
A line of pre-shredded gas-flushed products
and bulk Ribbon also present great opportunities for growth in the
private-label retail and foodservice segments as well as the manufacturing
It’s unlikely, however, that Leprino
will enter the retail arena with its own brand. “We do an awful lot
of business with people who have a retail presence and we support them in
that regard,” Jensen explains. “The majority of our business is
in manufacturing and foodservice. We’re an ingredient supplier. We
want to be the best ingredient supplier in the world when it comes to our
types of products. We look for constant ways to expand the avenues and
horizons under which we can develop those products. From a retail
standpoint, we are more focused on how we support those who are significant
in the retail business than we are about developing our own retail
Besides, adds outgoing company president Wes Allen, “we
want to support our customers, not compete against them.”
Beyond that, Leprino is looking to adapt its
mozzarella for uses not traditionally identified with Italian cheese.
“We view our niche as the producers of functional cheese for a
variety of cooking applications,” Boynton says. “There’s
no reason a mozzarella–based cheese can’t be adapted to perform
under a variety of food applications that previously have used other
varieties of cheese. We can bring unique functionalities — we can
match the color, match the flavor of those other varieties. So that opens
up a whole other set of markets to us, both on the foodservice and
industrial sides.”
With a 49 percent stake in England’s
Glanbia Cheese Ltd., a 2001 joint venture, Leprino continues to eye foreign
markets as a route for expansion. The Glanbia gambit has proven successful
in growing Leprino’s IQF business abroad, with efforts now focusing
on Ribbon products.
Elsewhere, news surfaced more than a year ago that
Leprino was planning to construct a manufacturing facility in China. Jensen
calls those reports premature. “We are still in discussions and
optimistic about developing that opportunity,” he says.
Though in its infancy, the dairy industry in China could be huge if officials there decide to
develop it, Allen says. “It’s hard to even envision the full
ramifications of a growing China,” he says. “I don’t
think they have any idea how successful they could be because they really
haven’t concentrated on [dairy]. I think they view dairy as something
that would be a good solution to improve the livelihood of people in rural
A strong producer infrastructure would be a
must to ensure a constant supply of quality milk to feed a venture on the
scale Leprino envisions.
“We see our relationship there growing in
phases, starting with a sales relationship and ultimately growing into some
specific investments,” Jensen says. “We have to have our eye on
the long term. We have to realize that as years go by, we are increasingly
in a global market and we have to be well positioned to compete on a
worldwide basis.”
Facing the Future
Continued growth is certainly anticipated at Leprino.
Its newest plant was designed to allow expansion to double its current
capacity. The company’s corporate headquarters feature vast areas of
open space to be filled as administrative needs demand it, and a
construction project currently under way will bring the building’s
final wing with space for additional offices, expanded research facilities
and an employee fitness center.
Considering Leprino’s management
philosophy and its attitudes about team work, it’s no surprise that
Jensen names people development among factors key to the company’s
continued growth.
“Continuing to keep that passion and
spirit alive, developing more leaders as the company gets bigger. You have
to permeate your leadership even more broadly through your
organization,” he says. “I think that’s an important
initiative for us — further challenging and developing our leadership
core, all the way down to the shop floor. That development of leadership
and the accountability that goes with leadership is extremely important to
our future. You can only perpetuate yourself as far as your people will
take you. For us to achieve the things we dream about, that we believe in,
that we know we can make happen, we have to commit ourselves to continuing
to develop our leadership base.”
This commitment to a group effort naturally
leads to what Jensen views as the company’s most unique aspect.
“The passion of our people,” he says, “an unrelenting
commitment, desire to always be better tomorrow than you were today. Never
being satisfied. The energy that gets generated by that feeling permeates
the organization, feeds on itself. It allows us to achieve things in ways
that sometimes surprise us.”
The company’s management structure also
has contributed to its success, chairman Jim Leprino explains.
“We’ve been successful with our philosophy of running a
business because we basically have two people that answer to me: the
president of the company, who’s in charge of the financial results
and the day-to-day business, and the research department, which is the
future of the business,” he says.
“We keep the two departments separate
so when a customer comes to us with a requirement, it doesn’t take a
long time to respond to their needs. To me, the most rewarding thing about
the company is that the management has developed to the point that the
philosophy of the company is being carried out on a daily basis.
We’ve got the quality of people that carry out the philosophy of the
company, and they do it with passion and a commitment to doing their job
every day and doing it right. It makes my life a lot easier, and after 48
years, it’s a real pleasure to be in the position I’m
With more than a half century behind them, where do Leprino’s
leaders see the company going in the next five years?
“We expect to have grown our sales base
by at least 50 percent,” Jensen says. “We expect to expand the
market potential for mozzarella cheese and whey products beyond traditional
boundaries known today. We expect to have expanded our international
presence beyond Europe.”
Additionally, the company expects to unveil
further technological breakthroughs that will allow it to continue to
improve the price-value relationship of its products. Leprino also expects
to have ample resources — financial and human — to support its
Finally, management has resolved to keep
Leprino privately held. “We believe our ability to remain a private
company has contributed substantially to our success,” Reidy says.
“We have been able to maintain a long-term perspective when making
investment decisions that has proven extremely beneficial in terms of
positioning our factories and developing milk supplies. This retention of a
long-term business development horizon, coupled with disciplined
reinvestment in the business, has facilitated a healthy level of financial
Leprino has come a long way since its humble
beginnings, and while most of the current management team has been in place
for many years, no one has witnessed more change than Jim Leprino himself.
“The difference between what
we’re doing today and what we did 48 years ago is night and
day,” he says. “It takes a lot of hard work, a lot of
dedication, a lot of hard-working people developing the ability to produce
the same product minute after minute — not day after day, because
we’re producing so much of it that you’re concerned about every
minute of the production.
“In the old days, you could have a
variation of quality that ranged from one to 10. Today, it had better be
half of one percent difference from one end of the day to the other. I
think we’ve achieved that goal in our success. Our technology has
brought us to the point that we produce the same product from the time we
start the factory to the minute we close it. That’s the biggest thing
I’ve seen — the consistency of quality that we’ve been
able to achieve.”
Constant improvement is the name of the game. “If you’re
going to stay in your job, you’ve got to learn something every day,”
Leprino says. “If not, you get in trouble in a hell of a hurry.”
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