Visitors from all over the world can now find international refrigeration information via an up-to-date and intuitive interface at the International Institute of Refrigeration's new website (
New features include on-line downloads of IIR articles and papers in the Fridoc database; expertise and laboratory directories enabling refined searches; a more comprehensive events section including archives of IIR events as well as upcoming events; e-mail alerts for all users of the portal and customizable alerts for members of the IIR.
Until October 2011, the IIR has opened up its Fridoc database to all visitors who register. Everyone can consult the database and download quotas of digitized IIR articles and papers free of charge. In order to be able to download articles and papers free of charge following the trial offer during the launching period, users of the portal can become members of the IIR.
The International Institute of Refrigeration is an independent and intergovernmental organization. It aims at improving and promoting knowledge of refrigeration technologies and applications. Through its mission, it responds to current issues such as food safety, health, energy and environmental protection.