Westfalia is expanding its product range with a new Storage & Retrieval Machine (SRM) option sure to spark interest in the market. They have developed an SRM with a separate employee lift cabin which is independent from the vertical pallet lift and its load carrying device. It is able to transport one person in the lift cabin up the mast of the SRM, thereby avoiding the practice of climbing up the service ladder. Westfalia's supply chain experts developed this new SRM feature to enhance the safety, comfort and flexibility of automated warehousing staff during preventative and periodic maintenance.
"We bring the safety needs of our customers to the forefront with our new technology,î explains Dan Labell, President Westfalia Technologies, Inc. "Placing a moveable independent cabin on the Storage and Retrieval Machine (SRM) provides additional safety and comfort for personnel operating and maintaining an automated warehousing system. This user-related feature adds real value to our customers, especially in the frozen food industry," states Labell. "At temperatures of -28 ∞C the employee who is restricted in his movement due to thermal clothing will be happy about any form of assistance.
Westfalia offers two models of this new SRM lift cabin: the regular cabin with the controls put in dead man's mode, and another which operates via a mobile control panel. In either model, the new lift cabin maximizes user safety and speeds the access to the top of the Storage/Retrieval Machine. This new flexible technology is available not only for new customers, but may be retrofitted on some existing SRMs too depending on mast design.
Westfalia Technologies Inc.