Decernis LLC, Washington, D.C., received a patent for a document management system and method to validate the global compliance of product safety documents in the supply chain, to provide a data processing system for product recalls, and to establish a validation service for product safety news and alerts.

Decernis LLC, Washington, D.C., received a patent for a document management system and method to validate the global compliance of product safety documents in the supply chain, to provide a data processing system for product recalls, and to establish a validation service for product safety news and alerts. Two new services that are embodiments of the patented invention are gComply Plus and Decernis News. gComply – which stands for global compliance – is now a suite of Decernis products and services for enterprise reporting, horizon scanning, and reference in the area of product safety that can be integrated with the client’s own supply-chain management systems for improved review and control of transactions.

Decernis News and Issue Management was developed in conjunction with the company’s clients in order to discover and manage dynamic news events and emerging risks. It is updated daily and covers food and consumer products, environmental, health and safety, as well as contaminant developments.
