Dairy Industry Thinks Big in Dallas
In order for the dairy industry to effectively compete in today’s burgeoning and ever-changing marketplace, executives must think of themselves as more than processors of milk.

In order for the dairy industry to effectively compete in today’s burgeoning and ever-changing marketplace, executives must think of themselves as more than processors of milk. Thus, with a tagline of “Live Large Think Big,” Dallas is the perfect city for the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), Washington, D.C., to introduce the new International Dairy Show, a comprehensive package of business solutions and innovative ideas for dairy processors to expand beyond their comfort zone and better position their products for today’s demanding consumer.
The three-day, dairy-specific trade show taking place September 13 to 15 will feature a comprehensive line-up of sessions, more than 300 suppliers demonstrating the latest innovations and business solutions, and networking events that will provide opportunities to build relationships across the dairy industry.
“The launch of a new annual International Dairy Show in 2010 gives the dairy industry a great opportunity to focus on industry trends and to keep up with a rapidly changing marketplace,” says Gary Vanic, president and CEO of Great Lakes Cheese Co., Hiram, Ohio, and chairman of the IDFA Board.
Connie Tipton, IDFA president and CEO, adds, “With the new show, we will be able to focus on the topics, issues and products dairy professionals care about most. It will provide the learning, networking and trade show experience the dairy industry depends on to stay on top of the latest trends and issues.
“Recognizing the growing demand for integrated business solutions, as well as more speed and efficiency, we have put together a robust and relevant conference program that features dynamic educational sessions and on-floor presentations that will complement the excitement provided by the exhibits,” says Tipton.
Educational program
The educational program is anchored by marquee “Signature Sessions” that run each day from 10:00 to 11:00am. (See p. 66.) Monday’s featured speaker is former President George W. Bush who will speak on leadership. On Tuesday, a number of speakers will address the issue of marketing and selling food to children. On the final day, Wednesday, Harry Balzer, NPD group vice president and author of Eating Patterns in America will provide insight to the trends shaping American’s eating behaviors.
In addition to the Signature Sessions, the educational program will offer access to the latest research and best practices from industry leaders. Organized into four concurrent tracks, the sessions offer focused takeaways for immediate application within manufacturing and processing plants. The four tracks run each day starting at 8:00am and concluding by 9:50am, just in time for the Signature Session. The four tracks are:
• Sustainability and plant operations sessions will demonstrate how to develop and implement a sustainability strategy; offer case studies on cost reductions through water, energy and waste management; and provide a look at ground-breaking processing and packaging projects that are reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
• Food safety and traceability sessions will include an overview of third-party certification programs, aseptic technology, rapid microbial-detection systems and full dairy traceability. Food defense sessions will cover vulnerability assessments, risk communication strategies and food-defense tools available from the federal government. (See p. 86.)
• Consumer trends, nutrition and product development sessions will look at what kids are eating at school and how popular foods are being reformulated into better-for-you options. They also will examine dairy’s place in plant-based diets and chocolate milk’s emerging popularity as a sports recovery drink.
• Business operations and marketing sessions will present research and strategies on how to market dairy to international consumers, reposition private labels to appeal to upscale buyers and use financial-reporting techniques to enhance the bottom line for small businesses.
The expo floor
The floor of the Dallas Convention Center will be teeming with more than 300 exhibitors showcasing the equipment, processes and technology that attendees need to make informed purchasing decisions. The floor will be open Monday and Tuesday from 11:00am until 5:00pm, and on Wednesday from 11:00am until 4:00pm.
“We can bring everyone together in one spot and very efficiently gather with all the critical suppliers of ingredients, packaging, materials and equipment - all the companies that we would have to routinely spend lots of time visiting separately,” says Mike Reidy, senior vice president for procurement, logistics and business development, Leprino Foods Co., Denver. “The efficiency as well as the quality of the exhibitors is what brings such tremendous value to the show.”
The Seasonings, Flavorings and Ingredients Pavilion will highlight new trends in product additives and enhancements. From lower-sodium reformulations to vegetable-infused yogurts, the dairy industry is continually innovating to provide the tastes and products consumers demand.
“There will be live cooking demonstrations and many products to sample,” says Robin Cornelison, IDFA trade show manager. “With the growing demand for international flavors and health-conscious alternatives to American standards, attendees will find ideas, tastes and products that they will want to use.”
Show attendees also will be able to visit the Milk Mustache Mobile “Milk the Moment” Tour exhibit, pose for souvenir milk mustache photos and participate in a football-toss activity sponsored by the NFL/National Dairy Council’s Fuel Up to Play 60 program, which focuses on the importance of healthy eating and physical activity.
Networking opportunities
A number of social events, including daily receptions on the show floor, will offer networking opportunities for all attendees and exhibitors. A tour of the Dallas Cowboys’ stadium will kick off the show on Sunday, followed by the “Welcome to Dallas” opening reception on Monday. Tuesday’s on-floor reception will convert the Dairy Bar, where attendees can sample new beverages and dairy products throughout the show, into a wine and beer bar at the end of the day. The closing reception on Wednesday will salute Dallas for hosting the dairy community in 2010 and prepare for the 2011 International Dairy Show, which will be held September 19 to 21 in Atlanta.
“The International Dairy Show is important to me and other Dean Foods executives. It’s an opportunity to meet with our suppliers, whom we consider important strategic partners, and it’s a great and efficient way for us to get together and make plans for the future,” said Harrald Kroeker, president of Fresh Dairy Direct, Dean Foods, the “biggest” U.S. fluid milk processor which just happens to be headquartered in Dallas.
Think big. Plan to attend this year’s inaugural International Dairy Show. For up-to-date event details, visit www.dairyshow.com.
Texas Dairy Industry Trivia
When most Americans think of the cattle raised in Texas, the country’s second largest state after Alaska, livestock for beef and veal production comes to mind. Little do many know that Texas is the 9th largest milk-producing state and home to hundreds of dairy processors, including the country’s largest: Dean Foods. In fact, Texas has 581Grade A dairies and in December 2009, the state’s estimated 337,075 milk cows produced more than 737 million pounds of milk. Combined, the milk production and processing sectors yield a value added to the Texas economy of $1.23 billion.
Signature Session Keynote Speakers
All Signature Sessions run from 10:00 to 11:00am.
Mon., Sept. 13
On Leadership: A Conversation with President George W. Bush
George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States and Founder of the George W. Bush Foundation, Dallas
How often do you have the chance to see and hear a U.S. president up-close and in-person? Pilot, professional baseball franchise owner, governor and president of the United States are just a few career titles on the resume of our 43rd president. Come hear inspiring stories from Bush as he shares candid insights on his eight years in the White House, his experiences with other world leaders, the nature of public leadership and decision making and a wide variety of domestic and international issues. Bush will sit down with IDFA President and CEO Connie Tipton for an hour-long conversation. The talk will include a question-and-answer session.
Tues., Sept. 14
To Market, to Market: Selling Food to Children
Keith Fentomiller, senior attorney, division of advertising practices, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C.; Elaine Kolish, vice president and director, children’s food and beverage advertising initiative, Council of Better Business Bureaus Inc., Arlington, Va.; and Embola Ndi, vice president of product development at Disney Consumer Products Inc., Burbank, Calif.
With growing awareness of the need to fight childhood obesity, food companies and federal regulators are looking closely at how food is being marketed to children. Learn more about what the food and entertainment industries are doing to establish voluntary nutrition standards on their marketing to kids and teens. Hear how stringent regulations under consideration by federal agencies could affect the way dairy foods are marketed to children from ages two to 17 years old.
Wed., Sept. 15
Eating Patterns in America
Harry Balzer, chief industry analyst and vice president of The NPD Group Inc., Port Washington, N.Y.
Did you know refrigerated yogurt showed the largest growth in the number of units consumed per child last year as compared with 2008, according to research recently released by the NPD Group? Find out why more than 90% of the nation’s food and beverage manufacturers rely on Balzer and the NPD Group to provide reliable and comprehensive data about what Americans are eating. Learn what consumers are actually eating, not just what they report they are consuming.
Consumer Trends, Nutrition and Product Development Session Highlights Innovation in Dairy Snacking
(Monday, 8:00 to 8:50am)
The average consumer snacks almost three times per day and just about anything goes. But dairy and dairy-based products are under-represented in the snack set. This session will take a comprehensive, strategic look at the world of snacking - the what, why, when and where - and uncover what’s new in global dairy snacking-product trends.
Cheese and the Sodium Challenge
(Monday, 9:00 to 9:50am)
From the 2010 Dietary Guidelines to the New York Sodium Initiative, sodium is a priority of the public health community. In response to calls to reduce sodium in the marketplace and the U.S. diet, manufacturers and brands can and are choosing a variety of ways to address sodium levels in their products and promote the positive nutrition benefits of cheese. Attendees will learn more about these strategies and supporting consumer and product research from the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy.
Good for You: What Will Kids Eat at School?
(Tuesday, 8:00 to 8:50am)
New nutrition guidelines - together with parental concerns over childhood obesity - are challenging dairy’s prominent place in the school cafeteria. This session will explain what the industry is doing to turn this challenge into an opportunity and examine which types of products are most valuable to school nutritionists.
Dismissed! When Flavored Milk is Absent from the School Lunch Line
(Tuesday, 9:00 to 9:50am)
Chocolate- and strawberry-flavored milk, now formulated with fewer calories, are a cornerstone of a healthy school lunch. But misinformation about these favorites is putting the nutrition of millions of American students at risk. New research shows what happens to children’s nutrition when flavored milk is eliminated or curtailed in schools and what it will cost school districts to replace these nutritious beverages.
Health & Wellness in a Package: Dairy’s Role in Plant-Friendly Diets
(Wednesday, 8:00 to 8:50am)
Is the current hype for plant-based diets a threat or an opportunity for dairy? The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy has conducted extensive research on what motivates consumers to choose more plant-based diets and has explored how dairy fits in this changing environment. Attendees will learn more about how to build a case for dairy’s positive health benefits as part of a more plant-based diet.
Training Day: Milk’s Effectiveness as a Sports Recovery Drink
(Wednesday, 9:00 to 9:50am)
Sports drinks and protein beverages are a rapidly growing sector of the beverage industry. Can milk compete? There’s a growing body of evidence that suggests milk may be just as effective as some commercial sports drinks in helping athletes recover and rehydrate. This session will discuss what sports nutritionists are saying about milk as a recovery beverage and detail the science that supports chocolate milk’s role in exercise recovery.

In order for the dairy industry to effectively compete in today’s burgeoning and ever-changing marketplace, executives must think of themselves as more than processors of milk. Thus, with a tagline of “Live Large Think Big,” Dallas is the perfect city for the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), Washington, D.C., to introduce the new International Dairy Show, a comprehensive package of business solutions and innovative ideas for dairy processors to expand beyond their comfort zone and better position their products for today’s demanding consumer.
The three-day, dairy-specific trade show taking place September 13 to 15 will feature a comprehensive line-up of sessions, more than 300 suppliers demonstrating the latest innovations and business solutions, and networking events that will provide opportunities to build relationships across the dairy industry.
“The launch of a new annual International Dairy Show in 2010 gives the dairy industry a great opportunity to focus on industry trends and to keep up with a rapidly changing marketplace,” says Gary Vanic, president and CEO of Great Lakes Cheese Co., Hiram, Ohio, and chairman of the IDFA Board.
Connie Tipton, IDFA president and CEO, adds, “With the new show, we will be able to focus on the topics, issues and products dairy professionals care about most. It will provide the learning, networking and trade show experience the dairy industry depends on to stay on top of the latest trends and issues.
“Recognizing the growing demand for integrated business solutions, as well as more speed and efficiency, we have put together a robust and relevant conference program that features dynamic educational sessions and on-floor presentations that will complement the excitement provided by the exhibits,” says Tipton.
Educational program
The educational program is anchored by marquee “Signature Sessions” that run each day from 10:00 to 11:00am. (See p. 66.) Monday’s featured speaker is former President George W. Bush who will speak on leadership. On Tuesday, a number of speakers will address the issue of marketing and selling food to children. On the final day, Wednesday, Harry Balzer, NPD group vice president and author of Eating Patterns in America will provide insight to the trends shaping American’s eating behaviors.
In addition to the Signature Sessions, the educational program will offer access to the latest research and best practices from industry leaders. Organized into four concurrent tracks, the sessions offer focused takeaways for immediate application within manufacturing and processing plants. The four tracks run each day starting at 8:00am and concluding by 9:50am, just in time for the Signature Session. The four tracks are:
• Sustainability and plant operations sessions will demonstrate how to develop and implement a sustainability strategy; offer case studies on cost reductions through water, energy and waste management; and provide a look at ground-breaking processing and packaging projects that are reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
• Food safety and traceability sessions will include an overview of third-party certification programs, aseptic technology, rapid microbial-detection systems and full dairy traceability. Food defense sessions will cover vulnerability assessments, risk communication strategies and food-defense tools available from the federal government. (See p. 86.)
• Consumer trends, nutrition and product development sessions will look at what kids are eating at school and how popular foods are being reformulated into better-for-you options. They also will examine dairy’s place in plant-based diets and chocolate milk’s emerging popularity as a sports recovery drink.
• Business operations and marketing sessions will present research and strategies on how to market dairy to international consumers, reposition private labels to appeal to upscale buyers and use financial-reporting techniques to enhance the bottom line for small businesses.
The expo floor
The floor of the Dallas Convention Center will be teeming with more than 300 exhibitors showcasing the equipment, processes and technology that attendees need to make informed purchasing decisions. The floor will be open Monday and Tuesday from 11:00am until 5:00pm, and on Wednesday from 11:00am until 4:00pm.
“We can bring everyone together in one spot and very efficiently gather with all the critical suppliers of ingredients, packaging, materials and equipment - all the companies that we would have to routinely spend lots of time visiting separately,” says Mike Reidy, senior vice president for procurement, logistics and business development, Leprino Foods Co., Denver. “The efficiency as well as the quality of the exhibitors is what brings such tremendous value to the show.”
The Seasonings, Flavorings and Ingredients Pavilion will highlight new trends in product additives and enhancements. From lower-sodium reformulations to vegetable-infused yogurts, the dairy industry is continually innovating to provide the tastes and products consumers demand.
“There will be live cooking demonstrations and many products to sample,” says Robin Cornelison, IDFA trade show manager. “With the growing demand for international flavors and health-conscious alternatives to American standards, attendees will find ideas, tastes and products that they will want to use.”
Show attendees also will be able to visit the Milk Mustache Mobile “Milk the Moment” Tour exhibit, pose for souvenir milk mustache photos and participate in a football-toss activity sponsored by the NFL/National Dairy Council’s Fuel Up to Play 60 program, which focuses on the importance of healthy eating and physical activity.
Networking opportunities
A number of social events, including daily receptions on the show floor, will offer networking opportunities for all attendees and exhibitors. A tour of the Dallas Cowboys’ stadium will kick off the show on Sunday, followed by the “Welcome to Dallas” opening reception on Monday. Tuesday’s on-floor reception will convert the Dairy Bar, where attendees can sample new beverages and dairy products throughout the show, into a wine and beer bar at the end of the day. The closing reception on Wednesday will salute Dallas for hosting the dairy community in 2010 and prepare for the 2011 International Dairy Show, which will be held September 19 to 21 in Atlanta.
“The International Dairy Show is important to me and other Dean Foods executives. It’s an opportunity to meet with our suppliers, whom we consider important strategic partners, and it’s a great and efficient way for us to get together and make plans for the future,” said Harrald Kroeker, president of Fresh Dairy Direct, Dean Foods, the “biggest” U.S. fluid milk processor which just happens to be headquartered in Dallas.
Think big. Plan to attend this year’s inaugural International Dairy Show. For up-to-date event details, visit www.dairyshow.com.
Texas Dairy Industry Trivia
When most Americans think of the cattle raised in Texas, the country’s second largest state after Alaska, livestock for beef and veal production comes to mind. Little do many know that Texas is the 9th largest milk-producing state and home to hundreds of dairy processors, including the country’s largest: Dean Foods. In fact, Texas has 581Grade A dairies and in December 2009, the state’s estimated 337,075 milk cows produced more than 737 million pounds of milk. Combined, the milk production and processing sectors yield a value added to the Texas economy of $1.23 billion.
Signature Session Keynote Speakers
All Signature Sessions run from 10:00 to 11:00am.
Mon., Sept. 13
On Leadership: A Conversation with President George W. Bush
George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States and Founder of the George W. Bush Foundation, Dallas
How often do you have the chance to see and hear a U.S. president up-close and in-person? Pilot, professional baseball franchise owner, governor and president of the United States are just a few career titles on the resume of our 43rd president. Come hear inspiring stories from Bush as he shares candid insights on his eight years in the White House, his experiences with other world leaders, the nature of public leadership and decision making and a wide variety of domestic and international issues. Bush will sit down with IDFA President and CEO Connie Tipton for an hour-long conversation. The talk will include a question-and-answer session.
Tues., Sept. 14
To Market, to Market: Selling Food to Children
Keith Fentomiller, senior attorney, division of advertising practices, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C.; Elaine Kolish, vice president and director, children’s food and beverage advertising initiative, Council of Better Business Bureaus Inc., Arlington, Va.; and Embola Ndi, vice president of product development at Disney Consumer Products Inc., Burbank, Calif.
With growing awareness of the need to fight childhood obesity, food companies and federal regulators are looking closely at how food is being marketed to children. Learn more about what the food and entertainment industries are doing to establish voluntary nutrition standards on their marketing to kids and teens. Hear how stringent regulations under consideration by federal agencies could affect the way dairy foods are marketed to children from ages two to 17 years old.
Wed., Sept. 15
Eating Patterns in America
Harry Balzer, chief industry analyst and vice president of The NPD Group Inc., Port Washington, N.Y.
Did you know refrigerated yogurt showed the largest growth in the number of units consumed per child last year as compared with 2008, according to research recently released by the NPD Group? Find out why more than 90% of the nation’s food and beverage manufacturers rely on Balzer and the NPD Group to provide reliable and comprehensive data about what Americans are eating. Learn what consumers are actually eating, not just what they report they are consuming.
Consumer Trends, Nutrition and Product Development Session Highlights Innovation in Dairy Snacking
(Monday, 8:00 to 8:50am)
The average consumer snacks almost three times per day and just about anything goes. But dairy and dairy-based products are under-represented in the snack set. This session will take a comprehensive, strategic look at the world of snacking - the what, why, when and where - and uncover what’s new in global dairy snacking-product trends.
Cheese and the Sodium Challenge
(Monday, 9:00 to 9:50am)
From the 2010 Dietary Guidelines to the New York Sodium Initiative, sodium is a priority of the public health community. In response to calls to reduce sodium in the marketplace and the U.S. diet, manufacturers and brands can and are choosing a variety of ways to address sodium levels in their products and promote the positive nutrition benefits of cheese. Attendees will learn more about these strategies and supporting consumer and product research from the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy.
Good for You: What Will Kids Eat at School?
(Tuesday, 8:00 to 8:50am)
New nutrition guidelines - together with parental concerns over childhood obesity - are challenging dairy’s prominent place in the school cafeteria. This session will explain what the industry is doing to turn this challenge into an opportunity and examine which types of products are most valuable to school nutritionists.
Dismissed! When Flavored Milk is Absent from the School Lunch Line
(Tuesday, 9:00 to 9:50am)
Chocolate- and strawberry-flavored milk, now formulated with fewer calories, are a cornerstone of a healthy school lunch. But misinformation about these favorites is putting the nutrition of millions of American students at risk. New research shows what happens to children’s nutrition when flavored milk is eliminated or curtailed in schools and what it will cost school districts to replace these nutritious beverages.
Health & Wellness in a Package: Dairy’s Role in Plant-Friendly Diets
(Wednesday, 8:00 to 8:50am)
Is the current hype for plant-based diets a threat or an opportunity for dairy? The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy has conducted extensive research on what motivates consumers to choose more plant-based diets and has explored how dairy fits in this changing environment. Attendees will learn more about how to build a case for dairy’s positive health benefits as part of a more plant-based diet.
Training Day: Milk’s Effectiveness as a Sports Recovery Drink
(Wednesday, 9:00 to 9:50am)
Sports drinks and protein beverages are a rapidly growing sector of the beverage industry. Can milk compete? There’s a growing body of evidence that suggests milk may be just as effective as some commercial sports drinks in helping athletes recover and rehydrate. This session will discuss what sports nutritionists are saying about milk as a recovery beverage and detail the science that supports chocolate milk’s role in exercise recovery.
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