As usual, processors express enthusiasm about the future of the fluid milk category, but as usual, fluid sales show a marked lack of enthusiasm.
The entire fluid milk category saw $11.5 billion in dollar sales for the 52 weeks ending Aug. 9, according to Chicago-based Information Resources Inc. That’s a drop of 11.7% from the same period last year. Unit sales are down 1.2% to 4.3 billion.

The flavored milk/eggnog/buttermilk category saw mixed reviews, with sales down 3.6% to $734 million, but a 1.5% uptick in total units moved, to more than 358 million.
A weakened economy even managed to trip up organics, where nearly all the growth in the fluid milk sector has taken place over the past several years. Consumers looking to stretch their grocery dollars in large part pulled back from purchasing higher-priced organic products. However, what little fluid growth there was came in this arena.

Horizon Organic also saw its skim/low-fat sales rise, but by only seven-tenths of a percent, while this category’s sales of Stonyfield Farm went up about 4% while Organic Valley dropped nearly 12%. Overall category performance was down 13%.
Among whole milk brands in the top 10, No. 2 Horizon Organic (right behind private label) rose about 2%, while 10th-place Organic Valley dropped about 10%.

Although organic milk has been a growth-driving subsegment in milk, it only accounted for 4% of the total FDMx sales in 2008, according to an executive summary on the fluid segment by Chicago-based Mintel.

Meanwhile, new products are entering the market that further build upon milk’s innate healthy profile. “Omega-3 fatty acid-enhanced milks are driving the branded fluid category with growth,” Newman says.

Beyond the milk itself, easier access plays a crucial role in shoring up the category. “Without a doubt, the most important factor driving the healthy and functional food market mainstream has been the increased accessibility of healthy products through additional channels,” says Marguerite Copel, vice president of corporate communications at Dallas-based Dean Foods Co. “With today’s grab-and-go lifestyle and rising gas prices, convenience stores have become a powerhouse for sales of some healthy products. Convenience stores have instituted new programs designed to increase sales of these types of products.”

Few companies are as well-equipped to meet these demands as Dean Foods. “Our Fresh Dairy Direct business is the largest processor and distributor of milk and other dairy products in the country,” Copel says. “Our milk is primarily supplied by local dairy farms, and we work closely with them to make sure our milk is the purest and healthiest milk possible. We have an extensive distribution network so consumers can purchase fresh and healthy milk wherever they may be.”
Among new products from Dean and its regional affiliates is Over the Moon, a low-fat and fat-free milk with a rich and creamy taste, Copel reports. Over the Moon is enriched with calcium and protein to increase the nutritional value of the milk, basically creating a skim milk that tastes more like 2% and a reduced-fat milk that tastes more like whole.
The product is aimed at folks looking to reduce their fat intake but would otherwise abandon milk completely rather than settle for lower-fat varieties.
As U.S. adults and children combat the widely prevalent obesity pandemic, high-fat and high-calorie beverages such as whole milk are sure to exhibit a decline through consumer attrition. FDMx volume sales of whole milk on average declined a little more than 5% in each year during 2003-08. Similarly, the segment only grew 3% in dollar sales during 2003-08 due to a sharp decline in demand.
Furthermore, Mintel believes that the annual overall consumption of milk for each household that uses milk declined by three gallons in 2008, compared to 2006. This could be attributed to a number of factors including increased competition from other dairy products and other non-alcoholic beverages that offer functional and exciting experiential benefits.

Due to the concerns over obesity, more consumers are likely to move from whole milk to skim/low-fat milk during 2009-14, the majority of these converts likely to be Hispanics and blacks, Mintel speculates. Therefore, innovations promoting creamy taste in low-fat/skim milk are likely to find growth from these demographics because they exhibit an above-average use of whole milk, Mintel says.

Educating consumers
Personal consumption of milk continues to lag behind that of carbonated drinks, Mintel reports, asserting that milk has not been able to position itself as an aspirational beverage that provides an exciting experience through innovative flavors or a rush of energy like carbonated drinks or energy drinks.As such, the dairy industry must continue to improve its ongoing efforts to educate retailers and consumers on the value of milk in its various forms.
“There are many opportunities for innovation to meet the consumer demands for natural and better-for-you products,” Dean’s Copel says. “Our biggest challenge is continuing to innovate to meet the needs of moms and families. As we provide more innovative options in the dairy aisle, we also have to provide our customers with the insights and solutions to manage these options and the category as a whole.”
Educating consumers continues to be a challenge for the organic sector as well, in order to highlight the differences in quality between conventionally grown and organic foods to justify the value,” Newman says. “We offer a considerable amount of educational opportunities for our retailers, from farm tours to in-store training and farmer interaction with their staff and customers.”
Mintel reports that growth hormones in milk are likely to be a cause of concern among 50% of all adults; women are more likely than men to care about the artificial hormone (56% to 44%). Growth opportunities exist through increasing milk from cows not treated with rBST in the product mix, as 58% of all respondents agree that non-organic hormone-free milk is as healthy as organic milk.
That’s something with which organic marketers might take issue, as they strive to educate consumers on the differences between “natural” and “organic” in the marketplace. “Organic Valley continues to educate and encourage consumers to look for certified-organic products that are third-party verified and regulated by one of the strictest agricultural standards in the world,” Newman says. “The USDA organic seal is the only way that a consumer can know for certain that a product is produced without antibiotics, synthetic hormones and pesticides.”

Still, despite the beating that milk sales have been taking, fluid milk usage accounts for about 30% of the milk supply in the United States, and total value of the milk produced annually is around $25 billion, or more than 20% of the industry’s total sales, according to USDA and Census Bureau calculations.
It’s up to processors and marketers to come up with new and better ways to get milk back on more American dinner tables in place of other beverages, by demonstrating its robust nutritional value, even at higher prices. “Consumers are purchasing to meet their personal budget requirements,” Copel says, and statistics confirm that milk is far more subject to price elasticity than generally considered in the past.
And consumers are seeking out the best deals. “Coupon use and redemption are up dramatically,” Newman says. “We are using more online and IRC’s to drive specific product sales goals. … Renewed at-home meal preparation has created more demand for dairy as a meal ingredient. Our number-one request on our Web site is for recipes.”
In all, the outlook for fluid milk remains positive.
“We are seeing the global marketplace recover earlier and more rapidly than the domestic market, so our export sales are experiencing strong growth already,” Newman says. “The domestic market has already hit bottom in terms of branded sales growth, and we are now seeing a return to positive growth in August and September and moving into the fourth quarter.”
Fast Facts
Source: Mintel
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