A&B Ingredients
Diehl Specialties, a div. of Diehl Inc.
Amelia Bay has released a new liquid coffee concentrate developed for milk-based cappuccino-style beverages. Amelia Bay's proprietary, patent-pending extraction technology provides extended shelf stability without refrigeration, along with brewed-coffee taste and aroma that exceeds frozen, soluble and shelf-stable coffee concentrates, according to the company. This coffee extract provides true coffee flavor for milk or soymilk and can also be used as a flavor ingredient for ice cream and yogurt. The coffee extract is used at 0.5%, with no precipitation of coffee solids. It is also UHT proven.
Amelia Bay
Jana's Classics Inc.
Sidebar: Obesity's Effect on the Food Industry
Fairfield, N.J.-basedABIC International Consultants Inc., a leading R&D consulting services organizations, is un-dertaking an intense, comprehensive, state-of-the-art analysis of obesity in America today and its effect on the food and related industries. Unlike other findings to date, the ABIC study is an interdisciplinary report researching three distinct areas which, when combined, will offer numerous opportunities for the industry. The study will include scientific, consumer and regulatory perspectives. Findings from the study, which is expected to be completed later this year, will only be available to subscribers and sponsors.
For more information, call 973/627-8180.
Sidebar: What Makes Yogurt Work
Danisco, headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, with U.S. headquarters in New Century, Kan., is underway with a major research project to investigate exactly what makes yogurt work, and how the interaction of certain ingredients holds the key to making yogurt even better. The project has already provided valuable insight into yogurt formulations and the likely outcome when ingredients such as starter cultures, pectin and milk proteins are applied at various dosages. "We can't just say that our ingredients improve the quality of yogurt. We have to prove it," says project mgr., Frederic Loit.(This is an excerpt from Discover, Issue 4, a Danisco news magazine about added food value. For more information, visit