CHELSEA, Mass.-What would the state of New Hampshire taste like if it were transformed into a frozen dessert? According to HP Hood, like a mix of vanilla malt ice cream swirled with chocolate malt and crunchy malt balls.
Those are the ingredients in “Take Me for Granite Ice Cream,” which was recently chosen as the Grand Prize Winner of the HP Hood Taste of New Hampshire Flavor Naming Contest.
Hood introduced its New England Creamery Line earlier this year and has taken several inventive steps in marketing it. The line plays on the heritage of New England and offers flavors and ingredients unique to the region. There is even a tie-in with tourism agencies from several New England states. There are now 19 flavors in the line, but until the winner of the recent contest emerged, there was no flavor specific to New Hampshire, the Granite State.

Other flavor names submitted for the “Taste of New Hampshire” contest included Robert Frost’s Rocky “Road Not Taken,” Nor’easter, Winnipesaukee Waffle Cone, Kangamangus Krunch, Monadnock Munchie Mocha, Clipper Chips, Fat Free or Die, Old Man in the Mountain Slide, and Mount Washington Cherry Cruise.
Hood received over 1,000 flavor-name entries. Jillian Tremblay of Derry, New Hampshire, the Grand Prize Winner who dreamed up “Take Me For Granite” Ice Cream for Hood, will receive a two-night stay at the luxurious Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.