PORTLAND, Maine-Local Salvation Army efforts received a big kick from Oakhurst Dairy with a contribution of $20,000 from the company’s holiday Egg Nog sales. For the 7th year in a row, Oakhurst has contributed five cents to the Salvation Army of Northern New England for every container of Oakhurst Egg Nog and Light Egg Nog purchased. The 2007 contribution resulted from the sale of more than 400,000 units-pints, quarts and half-gallons of Oakhurst Egg Nog this holiday season.
“Since we started the Egg Nog fundraiser we’ve been able to donate more than $130,000 to the Salvation Army from the sale of more than 2.6 million units of Egg Nog,” said Bill Bennett, v.p. of Oakhurst Dairy. “We’re committed to helping our local communities and feel strongly about the important work done by the Salvation Army.” According to Bennett, this year’s contribution will extend into Massachusetts for the first time.