Dairy Management Inc. is introducing a new website for food processors, innovatewithdairy.com. This single-source site integrates the content from doitwithdairy.com and extraordinarydairy.com with relevant nutrition information.

Got Beer? Got Blood? Got Teeth? These are just a few of the Got Milk? imitators illustrated in a new campaign from the California Milk Processor Board that embraces got milk rip-offs. CMPB has compiled an official Best 100 list of similar slogans that have helped make Got Milk? part of the American vernacular.

Baumgartner's Cheese Store and Tavern, a long-established tourism destination in the south-central Wisconsin community of Monroe, has been sold. Brothers Chris and Tyler Soukup concluded their purchase in July with a ceremony at Monroe's Joseph Huber Brewing Co., complete with an accordion player and some cold brews, said John Huber, who sold Baumgartner's.

Like many ice cream makers, Blue Bell Creameries, Brenham, Texas, has often produced new ice cream flavors inspired by other desserts, but last month it introduced a new flavor based on a sandwich. Peanut Butter and Jelly Ice Cream is a combination of creamy vanilla ice cream with roasted peanuts and swirls of peanut butter and grape jelly.

Saputo Inc. CEO Lino Saputo Jr. says he sees lots of opportunity for consolidation in the U.S. cheese industry, and plenty of room for Saputo to grow in the world market. Speaking with a Canadian newspaper in June, Saputo said "There are some large companies out there but there are still some very small, fragmented players, so we believe there's still a huge opportunity for us to grow our business, either organically but mostly through acquisitions."

U.S. Dairy Export Council said recently that the Japanese government has begun approving a series of additives that will significantly ease U.S. dairy supplier sales to Japan. Two additives (nitrous oxide and calcium stearate) were cleared this March and two more (natamycin and hydroxypropyl cellulose) were slated for this summer.

National Dairy Holdings, Dallas, will shutter the Valley Rich Dairy plant in Roanoke, Va. this month. It will also close distribution facilities in Virginia and some surrounding states. HP Hood, Chelsea, Mass. last month closed its plant in Lancaster, Pa.