Hanna Instruments introduces theHI84429 microprocessor-based automatic titrator and pH meter designed for use in the dairy industry. This versatile instrument can easily and accurately measure pH and acidity in dairy and cheese. It allows the user to log and store their data for accurate record keeping.
Hanna Instruments USA

IQ Scientific Instruments Inc.
Neogen's new AccuPoint Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) testprovides accurate measurement of ALP in dairy products. Requiring just 30 seconds, AccuPoint ALP is the easiest method of ensuring the effectiveness of dairy pasteurization. AccuPoint's downloadable results can be easily managed by product type, product line and date range.
Neogen Corp.

Food Technology Corp.
Advanced Instruments' Fluorophos® Test Systemis a rapid, extremely sensitive fluorimetric method for assessing alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in milk and milk products. It has multiple international approvals for accuracy over a range of ALP levels, including low values for milk from cows (whole, semi-skimmed, skimmed and flavored), as well as from sheep and goats. Many processors use the Fluorophos system to test pasteurized milk on an hourly basis to consistently demonstrate very low ALP values and show that the milk has been properly pasteurized and not recontaminated by raw milk. The Fluorophos system provides sensitivity to 0.003% raw milk.
Advanced Instruments Inc.

Brookfield Engineering Laboratories Inc.
CEM offers a complete lineof award-winning, microwave-based process control and analytical laboratory instrumentation for the food industry. Get accurate fat and moisture results in minutes without solvents or frequent calibration with the AOAC-approved Smart Trac™. The Smart Trac System provides accurate moisture/solids determinations in minutes, even on low-moisture and temperature sensitive products.
CEM Corp.
Weber Scientific featuredthe SDI-LIB EnvironmentalListeriaRapid Test Method at the recent IFT Expo. This self-contained method is called the "Labor Saver" for good reason. SDI-LIB (ListeriaIndicator Broth), specifically developed for use in food processing plants, has Performance Tested Methods status from the AOAC Research Institute.
Weber Scientific
Food Safety Net Services offersISO/IEC laboratory and expert consultation services including full-service microbiological and chemical testing, facility audits, customized educational and crisis management programs, and regulatory support. In addition to its wide scope of accredited microbiological and chemical analytical testing services, the company specializes in product shelflife assessment, validation and verification studies.
Food Safety Net Services