WASHINGTON D.C.-In a last-chance move before it broke for the holidays, Congress passed legislation extending the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) program for an additional two years.

WASHINGTON D.C.-In a last-chance move before it broke for the holidays, Congress passed legislation extending the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) program for an additional two years.

"New York's dairy farmers face severe price instability," said Thomas Reynolds, R-N.Y. "While we work towards a permanent solution, this extension will ensure that the bottom does not fall out of the dairy market, providing our dairy farmers with the support that they need. This legislation will help protect Western New York jobs by providing support to farmers and their employees when it is needed most."

IDFA had lobbied for an overhaul of the milk pricing system rather than an extension of MILC, which expired in September, but congressional members from agriculture-heavy states had supported the extension, and President Bush indicated during the 2004 campaign that he would also support it.