President Fred Calvert of Southwest Foods, Tyler, Texas, and Executive Director Jeff Sterne of ASDA, Lexington, Ky., presided over a record group of 238, which included 45 dairy, water and custom mold members representing 61 plants.
“We had a great meeting,” Calvert said. “I think we had a whole lineup of outstanding speakers, and Connie and Tip (Tipton, of IDFA) were there, as well as Pete Hardin from the Milkweed. We also had some very good technical speakers especially one on probiotics.”
Other programs included a presentation by Bennie Brigham of Pecan Deluxe, on the evolution of ice cream flavors, a sales tools discussion with Jeff Manning of the California Milk Processing Board, and a presentation from Luconda Dager, v.p. of sales & marketing with All Star member Velvet Ice Cream, Utica, Ohio.

A number of awards were presented to member dairies, including the Quality Assurance Awards, Dairy of the Year, and the Thoroughbred Award for suppliers.
The association, started in 1955, has 184 member companies representing 258 plants in 43 states. The annual conference, held alternately in Florida, and the Southwest, is attended by member dairies and their families and a select group of supplier members.
Calvert said this year’s site was ideal.
“Not only was it beautiful, but the weather held until Saturday, and the hotel did a great job of taking care of the conference,” he said. “I think I observed everyone having a good time. All the meetings and social activities were very well attended.”
Next year’s conference will be held in Key Biscayne, Fla.
“All Star is doing well, and we’re looking forward to another good year,” Calvert said.
All Star Assn. Award Recognition
Dairy of the Year Award: Schneider Dairy, Pittsburgh, Pa. and subsidiary Schneider-Valley Farms, Williamsport, Pa. (Wm. Schneider, Bill Schneider, Ed Schneider, Ed Schneider, Jr., and Robert Mertz accepting).Purchasing Award: Hollandia Dairy Inc., San Marcos, Calif. (Simon de Jong and Lee Hodge accepting).
Quality Assurance Awards
Best Fluid Plant: Santee Dairies Inc., City of Industry, Calif. Best Culture Plant: Louis Trauth Dairy, Newport, Ky. Best Ice Cream Plant: Weis Supermarkets, Sunbury, Pa. “Doc Lawrence” Most Improved Plant: Central Dairy, Jefferson City, Mo.
“Thoroughbred Award” (Supplier of the Year) : Tetra Pak Inc., Vernon Hills, Ill. (Clark Mounsey, Kurt Platzbecker, Ed Haines, and Rich Merry accepting).
Newly elected board members were Richard Washburn of Washburn’s Ice Cream, David Trauth of Louis Trauth Dairy, Carl Colteryahn III of Colteryahn Dairy, Richard Shehadey of Producers Dairy, Novile Ramsey of Milkco, Inc., and Ken David of QDC Plastics.
The $5,000 John D. Utterback Annual College Scholarship was awarded evenly to the following member employees or dependants to be used toward a Food & Science degree:
Christie Collins : Milkco Inc., Asheville, N.C., Clemson University Fred Calvert III : Southwest Foods, Tyler, Texas, Mississippi State University Joshua Crawford: Supervalu Dairy, Richmond, Va., Old Dominion University Holly Gilpin : Greensburg Bottling, Greensburg, Ky., Western Kentucky University Elisabeth Gorevski : Upstate Milk, Buffalo, N.Y., Clarkson University