President’s Choice Passion Fruit Sorbet (Silver).
rtech Labs, Arden Hills, Minn., is offering new library services to customers. Services include patent and scientific literature searching, document delivery, current awareness updates and news alerts. The library services team has more than 12 years experience in technical and scientific libraries. rtech labs is a comprehensive food science technology research facility and business unit of Land O’Lakes Inc.
TTI Plastics, located in Erie, Pa. is currently up and running and producing 16-qt and 24-qt dairy crates. The facility is 60,000 sq ft with warehouse capacity of another 50,000 sq ft, and the capacity to build and warehouse truckloads of dairy crates to meet customers needs.
Following the integration of the different GEA Membrance business units into one organization, GEA Filtration, Hudson, Wis., has begun the next phase of its growth plan for cross-flow membrane filtration. The European structure of GEA Filtration will be substantially expanded to cover several market segments including dairy and food and beverage. The local sales network will be expanded. Niels E. Olsen has been appointed division mgr., responsible for the complete organization in Europe.