Routine QC of raw milk and liquid milk products is commonly performed by FT-IR analyzers while solid and paste-like dairy products are analyzed by additional NIR instruments. Bruker’s new Dairy Analyzer “MPA-D” sets a new standard by providing state-of- the-art analysis of raw milk and highly viscous liquid milk products as well as products which can contain particles or sugar crystals. Moreover the measurement of solid or paste-like samples can be performed using the same analyzer.
For butter it is important to stay as close as possible to the target concentration of the fat component, i.e. to maximize the moisture content without going out of specification. Moisture in butter can easily be measured using FT-NIR spectroscopy.
FT-NIR spectroscopy is a fast and accurate solution for the quality control of milk and dairy products. Bruker Optics offers solutions for the analysis of solid, semi-solid and liquid samples in the laboratory as well as in the process.
The worldwide sales of yogurt have shown a dramatic increase in the past years. Yogurt is a cultured product with a short shelf life and yet not difficult to produce, but high throughput is required considering the small unit size and low profit margins. In Western Europe and the US, strained (Greek) yogurt has become increasingly popular because it is richer in texture than unstrained yogurt, and higher in protein.
Fourier Transform (FT) technology applied to the Near Infrared (NIR) spectral region delivers the same performance advantages that revolutionized measurements in the Infrared (IR) region more than 30 years ago.
NIR is a well-established method for the analysis of milk powder online as well as at-line and in the laboratory. Absolute moisture, fat and protein determination in whole milk powder can be easily and precisely performed using Bruker Optics Fourier-Transform Near Infrared spectrometers. Moreover, the lactose as well as the ash content can be determined with just one measurement
Various quality parameters in different cheese products like hard-, slicing-, cream-, preprocessed and soft cheese can be determined with the FT-NIR spectrometer MPA within seconds.