I am in a reflective state of mind as I wrap up my last regular contribution to “Culturally Speaking.” While I do not advocate living in the past, there is much to be learned from what has come before us so we move smartly into the future.
The French consumer eats four to five times the amount of yogurt as an American. Think of the sales volume impact if we can duplicate that level of consumption here at home.
Greek yogurt was not newly created. It was borrowed from the Mediterranean region. Might there be something else looming on the horizon for the taking if we just look beyond our shores?
There has been no truly ‘breakthrough’ innovation in sour cream or cream cheese like we saw with Greek yogurt. But keep trying. Stay committed to the value of the innovation process.
Consumers’ awareness of how much protein they need daily is low. For dairy marketers, here’s an opportunity to promote the protein content of yogurt, cottage cheese and cultured beverages.
Human Nutrition 101 has always told us that dietary protein is essential for health and wellness. Dietary proteins provide amino acids, the building blocks of structural and functional compounds we need to live healthy and active lives.
Consumers are buying whole (that is, natural) foods. They also seek nutrient-dense foods that are produced sustainably. Pay attention to these three factors and you should do well.
With the start of a new year just around the corner, it would be useful to know what opportunities are looming on the horizon and beyond for cultured products category growth. Consumer decisions in food choices are complicated and multifaceted. But I have identified three category drivers you should consider.
With election year fever approaching a crescendo, Americans are gathering information about the candidates from debates, conventions, campaign ads and media pundits. Each voter must decide whose facts make the most sense.
New products, flavors and formats keep dairy processors growing. Whether you have an in-house department or contract with consultants, you need to be investing in research and development because no one wants to buy a stale product.
Food manufacturers are potential customers for cultured dairy products. Show them how to use dairy in snacks, sauces, dressings, dips, spreads and beverages.