The bagpipes announcing the mid-October opening of the Great American Beer Festival had barely subsided and Garret Oliver was already at a podium talking about beer and cheese.
The supermarket chain's largest dairy facility is a top-notch operation that produces milk, ice cream, cultured products, and even carbonated soft drinks. Find out how the plant received approval for 44-hour production run on fresh milk, and what it means in terms of quality, production processes, and logistics.
The billionaires’ club has grown
and a few acquisitions and mergers have shuffled the deck among North
America’s top dairy processors. See where your company ranks in our
listing, and find access to previous years’ listings as well.
The Wal-Mart Effect is the title of a book written last year by journalist Charles Fishman. The book, Fishman’s first, describes the myriad impact that the world’s largest retailer has had on business and many other aspects of our lives.
At the Organic Trade
Association’s All Things Organic trade show last month, Horizon Organic
introduced several new products, including organic milk with DHA,
single serve bottles and ice cream.
Sometimes the milk business is like my favorite baseball team, the Chicago Cubs. Both are as old as the hills and both have earned broad popularity by offering something wholesome and comforting. For milk that means fundamental nutrition and familiarity, and for Chicago’s National League club, 130 years of tradition and the timelessness of Wrigley Field.
dairy plant located in this tiny town north of the Adirondack Mountains is
focused almost exclusively on manufacturing yogurt and cottage cheese. But an
MVR evaporator system also produces a significant amount of concentrated fluid
milk products. These include traditional skim condense and blends of milk
solids designed to meet customer needs.
Dean Foods effectively slammed shut the door on milk from
cloned cows recently. Dean is the 800
lb gorilla of the dairy industry, controlling something like 30% of the milk
business in the U.S. If the Mayfields,
McArthurs and Meadow Golds from coast to coast can tell consumers their milk
comes from cows designed by nature, you can bet that competitors in each market
will need to be able to do the same.