Look no further than this global review of new products and marketing tactics to get ideas for future innovations. Though some won't fly for a long time here in the States, with others, it is just a matter of a year or two before either you or your competition introduces them to U.S. supermarkets.
So why is it important to know what flavors are popular half way around the world? The answer is simple-the Great American Melting Pot is no longer homogenous.
According to the Chicago Tribune, the United States has the worst maternity leave income plan among industrialized countries. It has none. In fact, out of 168 nations in a 2004 Harvard University study, 163 had some form of paid maternity leave, leaving the United States in the company of Lesotho, Papua New Guinea and Swaziland. (August 1, 2005)
Sleep. It's something which at one point in my life I
would nearly go without to leave more time for work
and play. Sleep. It's something I now crave and
something I need more and more of to function effectively.
Remember the Seinfeld episode where the characters gain weight eating what is suppose to be low-calorie frozen yogurt? Well, a few years ago, this sit-com scenario was reality for New Yorkers when the CremaLita chain of frozen dessert shops was charged by the Big Apple's Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) with allegedly deceptive and misleading trade practices. The labeling issue arose in 2002 when The New York Times analyzed CremaLita ice cream and found that some of the products had two to four times as many calories as advertised.
Consumers do not need another American single or pizza shred. For the most part, U.S. cheesemakers realize this, as the latest and greatest products to debut can be described as flavorful, convenient, organic or traditional.