The declaration signals recognition of the dairy sector’s commitment toward feeding the world with safe, sustainable products and enhancing sustainability.
September 29, 2017
The declaration signals recognition of the dairy sector’s commitment toward feeding the world with safe, sustainable products and enhancing sustainability.
The dairy industry had been working with FDA for nearly two decades to allow the use of ultrafiltered milk in cheeses such as Cheddar, mozzarella, Colby and brick.
September 4, 2017
The dairy industry received good news on the regulatory front in August. The Food and Drug Administration granted enforcement discretion for the use and labeling of ultrafiltered (UF) milk in all standardized cheeses and related cheese products covered by the federal standards of identity.
Many butter plants are running at full capacity. Cheese production is active throughout the country, and demand picks up for milk in single-serve containers as schools return to session.
January 14, 2017
The USDA’s Dairy Market News finds that dairy processing plants are busy manufacturing butter, cheese and fluid milk.