“The Heat is On” is an upbeat song recorded by Glenn Frey for the 1984 movie, “Beverly Hills Cop,” which starred a 23-year-old Eddie Murphy as a street-smart Detroit detective who visits Beverly Hills, Calif., to solve the murder of his best friend. In the world of dairy operations, heat exchangers are “bringing the heat” and “solving” pasteurization and sterilization challenges in raw milk, making it safe to drink and extending the shelf life of milk, yogurt, creamers, and more.
Packaging is an issue of robust importance for manufacturers and brands alike, as they continue to look for new and innovative ways to make the end-to-end process more efficient, sustainable, and safe.
Distinction shows a particular device/system has been found to be compliant within the “Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance.” PMO.
May 1, 2023
The Memorandum-b is a significant milestone for the PPR as it gives state dairy regulators confidence that the product meets all PMO (Pasteurized Milk Ordinance) requirements.
Most foods go through some degree of processing. In fact, food processing has been in practice for at least 2 million years! The leading reason for processing is food safety.
Heat is fundamental to the food and drink industry. From cooking and drying to other treatments such as pasteurization, heat is widely used in all but the most basic food manufacturing and processing situations, in sectors as varied as dairy, fruit and vegetable processing, meat, prepared foods, brewing, and dietary supplements.
Dairy processors have long relied on pasteurization, which applies mild heat to a product for a set amount of time, to eliminate pathogens and extend the shelf life of products. Unfortunately, the process can negatively impact the sensorial and nutritional aspects of the product.