Facility Tours

One guided facility tours will give attendees the chance to get up close and personal with membrane equipment and processes.

We want to thank our tour sponsor for allowing us the opportunity to see how they develop the innovations that support our industry 

8:00 am - 10:30 am

Buses load at The DoubleTree Hilton at 7:45 AM

8:30 am - 10:00 am

Ecolab Shuman Campus Technology Center

Eagan, MN

Experience the science behind Ecolab’s products and services at the Schuman Campus Technology Center. Schuman RD&E tours demonstrate our innovation and provide access to our comprehensive solutions for clean water, safe food, and healthy environments. This tour will feature our membrane experts and provide a behind the scenes look at some of our state of the art membrane technologies and analytical capabilities.

*Tour space is limited and additional fees apply. You must be a paid registrant to attend facility tours. If you are a direct competitor with one of the companies on a particular tour, please do not sign up for that tour as each facility will have the opportunity to view the tour attendee list in advance and you may be asked to not attend.