it seemed like any other day in the school cafeteria – except for one small change. Instead of the usual gable-top milk packages, students at 18 Colorado elementary and middle schools were offered white and chocolate milk in aseptic packaging during the 2015-2016 school year. The response from students was enthusiastic.
Consumers’ awareness of how much protein they need daily is low. For dairy marketers, here’s an opportunity to promote the protein content of yogurt, cottage cheese and cultured beverages.
Human Nutrition 101 has always told us that dietary protein is essential for health and wellness. Dietary proteins provide amino acids, the building blocks of structural and functional compounds we need to live healthy and active lives.
Education, and the ability of students to learn and improve their lot in life, is part of the bedrock known as the American Dream. A growing body of evidence suggests that academic and lifelong success can be negatively impacted — not by lack of innate ability or failure to hit the books but by inadequate intake of nutritious foods.
Certain ingredients allow ice cream to travel farther and recover from heat shock. But that doesn’t matter to the label-reading consumer. Here are some strategies for ice cream manufacturers to deliver a cleaner label.
Consumer interest in clean labels (that is, the use of ingredients perceived to occur naturally in foods) has created a challenge to ice cream formulators.
Though sales are down for the overall milk category, there is still promise thanks to flavored milks and whole milk — both of these segments saw unit-sale increases.