Dairy Foods

The latest filtration equipment focuses on efficiency

May 23, 2018

Ultrafiltration membranes for wastewater

Memthane is an anaerobic membrane bioreactor process that features a microbiological anaerobic process (excludes oxygen); this technology turn medium- to high-strength wastewater into energy and clean water that can be directly reused or discharged, Pentair said. The system was developed by Veolia Water Technologies’ subsidiary Biothane in partnership with Pentair X-Flow. The system’s Biothane reactor processes the wastewater and generates biogas. Pentair’s X-Flow ultrafiltration membranes separate the sludge, which remains rich in nutrients and can be used by local farmers as fertilizer, and produces clean water. Memthane significantly reduces wastewater treatment costs compared to conventional technologies. The pore size of the membranes delivers a permeate free of suspended solids. 

800-218-3915; www.xflow.pentair.com



Demineralized whey production equipment

SPX Flow offers complete demineralized whey processing lines covering demineralization, evaporation, crystallization, spray drying and final exhaust separation and filtration. The company said its wide solution portfolio is supported by food technologists, process engineers and production engineers who work closely with customers to achieve optimum plant design and final product quality. Systems are designed for excellence in all areas of performance, including final product quality, reliability, usability, hygiene, processing efficiency and flexibility.

704-752-4400; www.spxflow.com


Membrane scope for membrane DIAGNOSTICS

The Tetra Pak membrane scope uses a waterproof recording video inspection camera and a 20-meter-long probe to visually identify the source of failure. The patent-pending membrane scope provides visual confirmation of the source of poor permeate quality and product loss in spiral-wound filtration systems. The scope allows filtration system operators to visually identify the precise location of failure while the system is in production, eliminating the need for shutdown and the additional unnecessary work of uninstalling and reinstalling the membrane. The company said this streamlined diagnostic process reduces costs associated with product loss, equipment downtime, operator intervention time and unnecessary element replacement.

763-421-2721; www.tetrapakusa.com


Industrial sifter for whey, lactose powder processing

When processing whey powder, it is important to ensure consistent particle size and high bulk density, according Russell Finex Inc. Often utilized after the spray drying process, the Russell Compact Sieve is a high-quality industrial screener with a hygienic design that efficiently screens fragile and difficult powders such as whey, lactose powder and casein. The 3-A-compliant sieve, coupled with the Vibrasonic Deblinding System, is said to effectively prevent product accumulation on mesh screens without damaging processed products. The compact sieve is a high-performance vibratory sieve that is designed to effectively sieve fragile powders, including whey protein isolate and whey protein concentrate. 

704-588-9808; www.russellfinex.com


Sterile air filters

Donaldson Co. introduced the P-SRF line, the next generation of sterile air filters. The advanced technology of P-SRF filters lowers production costs while improving the purity of air used in product processing and packaging, the company said. The filter line includes two variations: P-SRF V, a borosilicate depth media suitable for final filtration of processes and venting applications, and P-SRF X, a pleated polytetrafluoroethylene final membrane filter in a strong stainless-steel housing designed for extreme conditions and temperatures. Both filters feature mechanical stability and temperature resistance up to 392 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as a log reduction value of 7 or greater for bacteria, viruses and particles (down to 3 nanometers) to improve product and process integrity.  

800-543-3634; www.go.donaldson.com/p-srf


NIR analyzers for ultrafiltration, microfiltration membrane systems

ProSpect’s in-line near infrared (NIR) analyzers are designed to work with ultrafiltration and microfiltration membrane systems and other process equipment. The analyzers scan and indicate the levels of protein and other constituents such as fat and moisture simultaneously and feed the data back to the factory programmable logic controller in real time for automated process control. Processors could reduce their standard deviation by 50% or more and save money on lab tests and product giveaway, the company said. ProSpect’s industrial analyzers can be cleaned in place, require little maintenance and can be easily and quickly installed during normal downtimes.

888-980-1216; www.prospectanalytical.com